Aviation Spare Parts provides specialized online and offline training programs for pilots, cabin crew, maintenance staff and other ground handling personnel. We are Part 147 approved training center, meaning that we are certified to provide trainings, to conduct examinations, to issue related certificates for appropriate aviation staff.
We drive your proficiency to the next level, supported by:
- the knowledge and efficient teaching of highly-skilled instructors with more than ten years of experience in the aviation industry;
- effective training solutions using on-line learning programs and classroom teaching;
- customized training courses, from full classes delivered at your premises to scheduled courses in our training center.
Aviation Spare Parts is committed to be a valuable business partner to organisations within the aviation industry, as well as facilitating the professional growth and development of industry personnel.
Flight Crew
Check the information below.
For any training requests please contact us on email trto@skyavia.com.ua, by phone number +44 7452 293390 or by the form of request inside the every course page below.
Training of pilots on simulators takes place in the following certified training centers:
- IFTC (Istanbul, Turkey)
- Simulator КТС-32 aircraft IL-76
- BAA Training (Vilnius, Lithuania)
- SFTC (Sofia, Bulgaria)
- Lufthansa Flight Training Center (Berlin, Germany)
- Swiss Aviation Training Ltd. (Zurich, Swiss)
- Czech Aviation Training Center (Praha, Czech Republic)
Aviation Spare Parts offers the following training courses for the flight crew personnel:
Simplified English. Aviation TerminologyTechnical English course.
Target GroupThe course is recommended for personnel whose activities are related to reading technical and other documentation of aircraft.
ObjectivesThe course provides for the study and memorization of words, abbreviations, acronyms, both technical and general, widely used in aviation tech. documentation, with a translation in "aviation context" in case there are multiple meanings. The course is designed for teaching people with any level of knowledge of the English language.
Course OutlineEach lesson has 50 English words/abbreviations/acronyms to learn over 2 days. After every three lessons, a test task for translation in two directions is performed. Completion of test tasks is limited in time at the rate of 12 seconds per task.
RemarkTraining is carried out remotely. At the request of the customer, the course can be extended by one week to consolidate the acquired knowledge
Duration42 days
The System of safety management (SMS). Basic courseFlight crews training course of using area navigation (RNAV), performance based navigation (PBN)Target GroupThe course is developed in accordance with international and national documents governing procedures and rules for flying using PBN (RNAV). Designed for theoretical training of flight specialists with a valid certificate of a pilot, navigator, airborne radio operator
ObjectivesPilot training for obtaining or confirming the rating of instrumental flights "IR" (holders of PPL, CPL and ATPL certificates) in the light of the PBN (Performance Based Navigation) concept
Course OutlineThe course consists of the five study units. Each section consists of educational text and visual material, a video film, a block of test questions to check the assimilation of the material in this section and the final exam. The training course includes the study of topics:
- general concepts and information on area navigation (RNAV)
- general concepts and principles in PBN application
- equipment requirements for PBN flights
- General Concepts of GNSS Satellite Navigation Systems
- requirements of RNAV and RNP specifications: RNAV 10, RNAV 5, RNAV 2, RNAV 1, RNP 10, RNP 4, RNP 2, RNP 1
- features of RNAV procedures and procedures
- features of RNP / RNAV (PBN) APCH approaches
- 3-D (APV): "LNAV / VNAV" and "LPV" and 2-D (NPA): "LNAV" and "LP"
- DDA features and CDFA stabilized approach technique
- features of authorized calls RNP AR APCH
- operating rules and procedures
- order of actions in a non-standard situation
RemarkBy the request of the customer, training is carried out in class or remotely. The course can be extended by one day to consolidate the acquired knowledge
Duration2 days - 16 hours
Fligh crew training course for operation flights in RVSM areaTarget GroupThe course was developed in accordance with international and national documents governing the procedures and rules for flying in areas of reduced vertical separation minimum (RVSM). Designed for theoretical training of flight specialists with a valid certificate of a pilot, navigator, airborne radio operator
ObjectivesPilot training for clearance to fly in the areas of reduced vertical separation minimum (RVSM)
Course OutlineThe course consists of educational text and visual material, a video film, a block of test questions to check the assimilation of the material in this section and the final exam. The training course includes the study of topics:
- development history and general information about RVSM
- RVSM guidance documents
- RVSM concept and height keeping principle
- requirements for aircraft equipment for flights in RVSM
- admission of aircraft, AK and crews to RVSM flights
- RVSM flight planning procedures
- pre-flight procedures
- procedures before entering RVSM airspace
- in-flight altitude control procedures
- procedures before leaving RVSM airspace
- contingency procedures
- actions in case of loss of communication in RVSM space
- regional differences in RVSM by country
- standard phraseology in RVSM space
RemarkBy the request of the customer, training is carried out in class or remotely. The course can be extended by one day to consolidate the acquired knowledge
Duration1 day - 8 hours
Flight crew training course for low visibility operation (LVO)Target GroupThe course is designed for the theoretical training of flight specialists with a valid pilot's license, and was developed in accordance with the requirements of the ICAO and EASA documents, which strictly regulate the performance of flight procedures by crews in conditions of limited visibility when landing or taking off an aircraft.
ObjectivesPilot training for obtaining permission to fly in low visibility conditions LVO. Low-visibility flights include take-offs with RVR visibility less than 400m and CAT II / III approaches.
Course OutlineThe training course includes nine study topics. The course consists of educational text and visual material, videos, a block of test questions to check the assimilation of the material in this section and the final exam. The training course includes the study of topics:
- general information on LVO and procedures associated with flying in low visibility conditions
- guidance documents on LVO
- airport requirements for flights to LVO
- aircraft requirements for flights in LVO
- admission of aircrafts and crews to perform approaches according to CATII / III and LVTO
- procedures for planning a flight to an LVO area
- procedures before entering LVO airspace
- control and altitude control procedures for CATII / III approaches
- procedures in case of unforeseen circumstances and in case of loss of communication in the LVO space
Duration1 day - 8 hours
Crew Resource Management Initial Training CourseTarget GroupThe course is designed for the theoretical training of aviation specialists, aircraft crew members, and is developed in accordance with the requirements of the DASU, ICAO and EASA documents, which regulate the system of measures to improve the safety and efficiency of flights through the correct use of human, technical and information resources, as well as improving interaction. both in a crew and a crew with ground personnel.
IMPORTANT! The initial Crew Resource Management (CRM) course is a must for all crew members before they can begin their duties in the cockpit
ObjectivesTraining of flight specialists for the ability to manage all the resources of the crew and personnel:
- assess the current state, anticipate a change in the state and take measures to ensure the optimal state of oneself, the crew, the aircraft, the meteorological situation in the area where the aircraft is located, related services, the level of information and others.
- improving communication and management skills of flight crew members, training personnel in effective methods of individual and joint professional activities in the style of a "united team"
Course OutlineThe training course includes ten training topics. The course consists of educational text and visual material, videos, a block of test questions to check the assimilation of the material on the topics and the final exam. The training course includes the study of topics:
- CRM preparation content
- fundamentals of error theory
- airline safety culture
- standard procedures
- psychophysiological conditions and professional reliability
- perception and processing of information
- situational awareness
- making decisions
- communication and coordination in the crew and outside the aircraft cabin
- team. Leadership and collaboration. Synergy
RemarkTraining is conducted in class. By the request of the customer, the course can be extended by one day to consolidate the acquired knowledge
Duration5 days - 40 hours
CRM Recurrent and Refresher Training Course (1/3)Target GroupThe course is designed for the theoretical training of aviation specialists, aircraft crew members, and is developed in accordance with the requirements of the DASU, ICAO and EASA documents, which regulate the system of measures to improve the safety and efficiency of flights through the correct use of human, technical and information resources, as well as improving interaction. both in a crew and a crew with ground personnel.
IMPORTANT! Periodic course "Crew Resource Management (CRM)" (once every three years or when changing jobs / airlines) is provided only after completing initial training
ObjectivesTraining of flight specialists for the ability to manage all the resources of the crew and personnel:
- assess the current state, anticipate a change in the state and take measures to ensure the optimal state of oneself, the crew, the aircraft, the meteorological situation in the area where the aircraft is located, related services, the level of information and others.
- improving communication and management skills of flight crew members, training personnel in effective methods of individual and joint professional activities in the style of a "united team"
Course OutlineThe training course includes ten training topics. The course consists of educational text and visual material, videos, a block of test questions to check the assimilation of the material on the topics and the final exam. The preparation course includes the study of topics:
- CRM preparation content
- fundamentals of error theory
- airline safety culture
- standard procedures
- psychophysiological conditions and professional reliability
- perception and processing of information
- situational awareness
- making decisions
- communication and coordination in the crew and outside the aircraft cabin
- team. Leadership and collaboration. Synergy
RemarkTraining is carried out remotely. At the request of the customer, the course can be extended by one day to consolidate the acquired knowledge
Duration5 days - 40 hours
Instructor’s Initial Training (TRI, FI, SFI)Target GroupThe course is intended for initial theoretical training of flight specialists who have the necessary experience (in accordance with the requirements of ICAO and EASA documents) and have a desire to become an instructor in the future, as well as for periodic training of those persons who previously had an instructor qualification.
ObjectivesTheoretical training of pilots for obtaining instructor clearance
Course OutlineThe training course includes nine study topics. The course consists of educational text and visual material, a video film, a block of test questions to check the assimilation of the material in this section and the final exam. The preparation course includes the study of the following topics:
- the learning
- the teaching process
- training philosophies
- techniques of applied instruction
- student evaluation and testing
- training programme – development
- human performance and limitations relevant to flight instruction
- hazards involved in simulating systems failures and malfunctions in the airplane during flight
- training administration
RemarkTraining is conducted in class. At the request of the customer, the course can be extended by one day to consolidate the acquired knowledge
Duration5 days - 40 hours
Instructor’s Recurrent Training, revalidation and renewalTarget GroupThe course is intended for the periodic training of those persons who previously had an instructor qualification
ObjectivesTheoretical retraining of pilots to test and restore the qualifications of instructor clearance
Course OutlineThe training course includes nine study topics. The course consists of educational text and visual material, a video film, a block of test questions to check the assimilation of the material in this section and the final exam. The preparation course includes the study of the following topics:
- the learning
- the teaching process
- training philosophies
- techniques of applied instruction
- student evaluation and testing
- training programme – development
- human performance and limitations relevant to flight instruction
- hazards involved in simulating systems failures and malfunctions in the airplane during flight
- training administration
RemarkTraining is carried out remotely. At the request of the customer, the course can be extended by one day to consolidate the acquired knowledge
Duration5 days - 40 hours
IL-76 crew initial trainingTarget GroupThe course is intended for initial theoretical and flight training of flight specialists who have the necessary experience and a valid certificate (CPL, ATPL, FE, FN)
ObjectivesTheoretical and flight training of flight personnel for obtaining a rating of the aircraft type IL-76
Course OutlineThe training course consists of three stages - ground (theoretical), simulator and flight training:
- ground training covers seven disciplines (modules)
- simulator training consists of four piloting sessions. The course also includes MCC training
- flight training (aerodrome training) is carried out for those pilots whose experience does not allow ZFTT training (total flight time less than 500 hours)
DurationTheoretical training - 36 days (252 hours). Training is conducted in class (200 hours) and independently (52 hours).
Simulator training - 16 hours of piloting (for pilots) and 16 hours of monitoring as part of the crew.
IL-76 crew recurrent trainingTarget GroupThe course is intended for the annual training of specialists who have a rating of the type of aircraft IL-76 and a valid certificate
ObjectivesMaintaining the qualifications of pilots, navigators, flight engineers, radio operators and flight operators and the rating of the aircraft type IL-76
Course OutlineThe training course consists of two stages - ground (theoretical) and simulator training:
- ground training covers the study of general aviation disciplines and aircraft systems
- simulator training consists of a flight simulator session
RemarkTheoretical training is carried out remotely using a computer program. Final testing is carried out under the supervision of an instructor.
DurationTheoretical training - 3 days (24 hours).
Simulator training - 1 day (8 hours).
Airbus-320 flight crew initial trainingTarget GroupThe course is intended for initial theoretical and flight training for pilots who have the necessary experience and a valid pilot's license.
ObjectivesTheoretical, simulator and flight training of pilots for obtaining a rating of the aircraft type A320
Course OutlineThe training course consists of three stages - ground (theoretical), simulator and flight training:
- ground training covers seven disciplines (modules)
- simulator training consists of 9 sessions on the MFTD simulator and 13 sessions on the FFS piloting simulator. The course also includes MCC training
- flight training (aerodrome training) is carried out for those pilots whose experience does not allow ZFTT training (total flight time less than 500 hours)
RemarkTraining is conducted in class and independently using the CBT program
DurationTheoretical training -15 days (120 hours).
Simulator training is designed to study aircraft systems on the MFTD (multifunctional simulator), at least 16 hours of piloting, 16 hours of monitoring as part of the crew on the FFS (flight simulator) and passing the skill test (2 hours on FFS).
Flight training (aerodrome) is carried out within one day and consists of four approaches / two landings lasting no more than 1 hour.
Airbus-320 flight crew recurrent trainingTarget GroupThe course is intended for the annual training of pilots who have an A320 aircraft type rating and a valid pilot's license
ObjectivesMaintaining pilot qualifications and aircraft type rating A320
Course OutlineThe training course consists of two stages - ground (theoretical) and simulator training:
- ground training covers the study of general aviation disciplines and aircraft systems
- simulator training consists of two flying sessions on the FFS simulator
RemarkTheoretical training is carried out remotely using a computer program. Final testing is carried out under the supervision of an instructor.
DurationTheoretical training - 3 days (24 hours).
Simulator training - 2 days (16 hours).
CRJ 100/200 flight crew recurrent trainingTarget GroupThe course is intended for the annual training of pilots who have an aircraft type rating CRJ-100/200 and a valid pilot's license
ObjectivesMaintaining pilot qualifications and aircraft type rating CRJ-100/200.
Course OutlineThe training course consists of two stages - ground (theoretical) and simulator training:
- ground training covers the study of general aviation disciplines and aircraft systems
- simulator training consists of a flying session on the FFS simulator
RemarkTheoretical training is carried out remotely using a computer program. Final testing is carried out under the supervision of an instructor.
DurationTheoretical training - 3 days (24 hours).
Simulator training - 1 day (8 hours).
Airbus-320 Emergency and Safety Equipment Crew Recurrent Training Course (1/3)Target GroupThe course is intended for the annual training of pilots and flight attendants who have an aircraft type rating A320 and a valid certificate
ObjectivesMaintenance of aviation specialist qualifications and aircraft type rating А320
Course OutlineThe training consists of theoretical training and practical skills on the aircraft - it covers the study of emergency rescue equipment, equipment and procedures for the A320 aircraft
RemarkTraining is carried out remotely using a computer program
Duration1 day - 8 hours
Recurrent Theoretical training-
Cabin Crew
Maintenance Staff
Online Training